September is done. Did not make it a positive ROI % but learn a lot in the process.
I stoped playing during the week, instead I begin to study the game and making some posts on DC forum.
For the final trimester I will spent studying and improving my game on SNG's. I will also play some of them on the weekend and ocasionally on weekdays.
I will report some of my sucess and failures here on the blog. I will post some hands and ocasionally some strategy thoughts.
The grinder will be on SNG's, some shorthanded, some full table and even some SNG's multitables. I must say that I am very motivated to give my best and wish to you guys to give your best at the tables and more important, out of the tables.
Just one final word for this post, I advise to every poker player (in fact to every human being), to work out. Yes, do some exercise, move your butt, it is very important to exercise our bodies in nowdays. We spent a lot seated at a desk and exercising our brains by focusing and grinding poker. Our body is also important, in fact a healthier body gives a boost to our mind and our game at the tables will reflect that change.
On Friday after a woring day at the office I went to my gym, I was not in the mood to working out but I refuse to not to work out. My mind was a little bit exausted but my body not so much.
Now the funny part, after my workout, my body was exausted but my mind was fresh! I mean, it was like pullover a weight from my brain, that I was carrying all the day!
I was tired but my mind was refreshed and ready for some action at the poker tables!
Give it a try, it works, do not create excuses to not workout. Is more important at long term, like poker players we must say that working out our bodies (and mind) is +EV !
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