Saturday, December 31, 2011
2011 Thoughts
I played more cash games hands this month than any month of the year, I am satisfied about my current game at the tables. The key factor that I miss most of the time during the year was volume. But that is not so bad, because I consider myself a novice player in many areas on Holdem, so not playing many games per day is not a big issue. After all, this is not my job, at least for now.
I consider a 2011 a rich experience in terms of learning but also, somehow, disappointing due to my lack of discipline in grinding one type of game. I will correct this error next month, I may just have corrected because I only played one type of game during this month.
I will put December results on the next post, just leave here a picture of my final VPPs 2011 year.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
10 Years Of Excellence
This apply in many areas in life, take football (or soccer) for example, if you say your favorite team name, you are going to remember something excellent about. Take you car dreams name, it will be the same. You can also think about some people, maybe your closest family members, how excellent they are in your daily life.
The main thing applies to one name of a "thing" in the world of online poker, Pokerstars.
Yes, Pokerstars to many people, (including me of course), is a sign of excellence. They are excellent in many things. They have an excellent software for online poker, they have an excellent ethic that is the same to all customers, starting from the player that only plays few hands per month to the professional player. They have an excellent reward service in the business that rewards the most volume players. One key factor is listening to the customer and implement new ideias.
They are excellent in many areas, and they are surprising me all the time, every month, every year with little things, like receiving an excellent e-mail from they support to more important things like creating a brand new tourney series (by the way they are going to release next month a new one), or implementing a great promotion or breaking a new world record Guinness.
I play as an amateur player on Pokerstars but I am very proud to play on the one and only, the greatest online poker room, that some people, 10 years ago decided to call, Pokerstars.
Merry Christmas and a happy new 2012 year!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Current Perfomance
Leave here my current performance for the month.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Month Results
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Last 3 Months Review
Anyway, I was reviewing the games that I played and where I have most game played are on the 180 players hyper turbo, with a decent ROI. I had some good results on the 90 and 180 man sits, but the 180 mans are very full of variance and the 90 man takes too long, specially the regular blinds speed.
I decided to give a try to full ring cash games during the last days. I have good results on a very short sample of about 5,5k hands, but they are promising results. I ended playing 5515 hands and making 35bb/100 at NL2. I won't play tomorrow so I leave here some pics and I will workout my game next month.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Less Volume This Month
Here is my current perfomance on cash games, the volume is very, very low, I will set goals for next month, if the things workout I probably going for cash games full ring in January. If not, back to muiltitable sits. I am going to cross my fingers for the next month!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Playing and Learning
I have been playing some sits but not so much volume. I played my first cash game session today for the month and it was ok. I like to play cash games but unfortunately I do not have the knowledge to beat these games. Anyway I leave here a decent graph from today session.
I am thinking already next year what type of games should I grind a lot and conquer, because I want to make more money and more volume next year and probably turn this business n he right track so I can think about doing professionally in a near future.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Past Hand Review
Let me explain better, step by step.
Preflop: I had AQo on the big blind, loose opponent has J7o on the cutoff and decides to play his hand. Preflop my hand has 66,7% Equity against his hand.
Flop: on the flop 3 cards are on the board, those cards are King of Hearts, Seven of Diamond and Teen of Diamond. Opponent make his pair of sevens, (bottom pair), and I have a nothing but a draw, a straight draw. If a jack comes on the turn or river I complete my draw and I make a straight.
Ignoring the opponent hand, (when playing the hand I do not know his cards), there are 4 cards, (4 jacks), "out there" to complete my draw, so at this moment I have 4 outs. The math says that I have 16% chances to win the hand (winning odds), or 17.2% to be exact.
At this moment I am behind to my opponent pair, so my equity is reduced to 35,9%.
Turn: The positive variance his at my side this time and I make my straight, and nice to me that my loose Opponent make his second pair, because he is willing to put more money on the pot unless he suspects that I had the straight.
At this moment there are only 4 cards to come from the deck that could beat my straight, those cards are: Jack of Spades, Jack of Diamond, Seven of Spades or Seven of Clubs. So my opponent has 4 outs to make his full house on the river, and not 2 outs like I write before.
The math says that he has only 8% chance to win (or 9,1% chance to be exact).
At this moment my equity increased to a huge 90,9%, I am a big favourite to win this hand. In the long run I win about 90% of the time against his hand with this board.
River: One of the 4 outs does come on the river with the Seven of Clubs, so my opponent does make his 9,1% winning chances and wins this hand with the full house, (3 Sevens + 2 Jacks)
I do not have here the bet amounts present at the moment, so with a 16% chance on the flop a good player must figure out when playing if he isn't paying too much to go to the turn. This hand was played in a cash game (not a sit and go or a tournament).
Here is the original post.
Words To Think About It
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
More Players, More (Long Term) Profit
I played the most profitable games this month, the 90 and 180 players on Pokerstars. With an average buy-in of $1 I made more than $100. I am still chasing the $2.50 top 3 place, hope that will be very soon.
After months of average to poor results, I finally find myself playing the right games.
Friday, September 23, 2011
I Am Back Again
Here is a nice picture from the month:
Monday, September 12, 2011
Hyper Turbos 1st Place
I think this performance is not luck, although it has it's role on this short sample, but has someone use to say, the better I am the lucky I get. I have been working on my end game, studying hand ranges equity when you have less than 20 big blinds. A great Portuguese professional poker player wrote on his blog that a medium pair has a better chance to win against a random hand than a premium hand like Ace-King.
Meanwhile I have so much to learn and study, I have some good material to study about the math that it makes part of the game, concepts like expected value, basic probabilities, hot and cold equity, game theory and many more subjects to sharp my skill at these games.
The 90 players and 180 players tournaments have more variance than the single table tournaments but you get a higher return on your investment with these games. I invested $1 today and made about $48 in profit. Leave here a picture of my 1st place at the tournament, not so much because of the result itself, but because it's my first 180 players 1st place at a higher variance hyper turbo format.
The tournament duration was almost 60 minutes, they are fast!
But remember, we shouldn't be results oriented, the most important are the +EV (Expected Value) long term decisions that we make at the tables.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
WCOOP 2011
Do you want to be the next online poker champion? See the schedule details only on Pokerstars.
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Mega Promotion on Pokerstars
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
System Failure
Stay tuned for latter updates!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
July Update
Saturday, July 02, 2011
June Recap
As for cash games, well I just grinded all the way and ended up losing in some spots that I shouldn' bet more and lost in another spots where I was favorite to win. I think my main leak on cash games is the lack of knowledge and the way to deal in some spots. I think cash games are long term ev+ and is an area that I will probably return to them in the future. For now I decided to take a grinding cash games break.
I am focusing my next 5000 games on 18 Man Turbos SNG. This is because I am taking coaching on this area with another players. I just started on the last week of June so the results should come out very soon.
June Overall SNG's Graph:
There was a type of SNG that I made profit in the end, the 6 Man (Normal Blinds). I just played the micro stakes on them and I think they are very soft. Besides being profitable on them, for now I will improve and grind the 18 Man Turbo SNG.
June 2 types of SNG games results:
Friday, June 10, 2011
Silverstar Achieved
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
May in The Books
I decided to play micro stakes cash games and check-out my results after some volume. Well, bad beats apart and I did not made the volume necessary to renew Silverstar this month. Anyway, June is going to be another VIP pursuit and will get there with no worries.
I played NLH full ring and NLH 6 max. cash games and even some fixed limit. I profited on NLH and lost some money on FLH. I got some sick suck-outs on my nit full ring experience and some nice hands too. The 6 max cash games have much more action, you have on some tables a hell of a party because everyone is raising and re-raising with some marginal holdings, (the kind of hands that will suck you out on the river!)
Anyway, I enjoyed a lot the experience on cash games, specially at 6 max NLH that I will possibly grind them out on June. It's a different beast apart from Sit & Go's, the full ring are more a kind of valuing your good hands by betting on all streets. On 6 Max, you have to be more aggressive and widen up your hand range.
Btw, I grinded some 21 tables at the same time (full ring) in one of the sessions (picture on the end). I did not made anything specially in terms of profit, but will leave here the results pre-rakeback.
The curve line on the graph is the profit, the green bars are the number of hands played per day:
A masive multitabling experience in one of the sessions:
Thursday, May 19, 2011
2 Outer on the River
Here are the pics to prove it! (hahaha, now I am preseting the pics to prove the negative variance).
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The Royal Flush
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Need to Improve
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Week Feedback
Friday, April 01, 2011
March Review
In terms of profit I made about 35 buy-ins more. On the VIP status, I made about 800 Vpps, and 1933 Vpps for the year. The final days of March were very though, I had fantastic sessions on the last weekend and then, starting on Monday until Wednesday I went on the red and a huge downswing hit me and I lost some races were I was 70% favourite on crucial hands.
See you at the tables!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sunday Update
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Measuring Volume
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Quick Update
Sunday, March 06, 2011
March Update
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
March Prediction
I want March to be my best month in terms of volume and profit. This is always a risk to define profit goals, because it's not good to be results oriented. Anyway, I will take my chances to play the most games and the best I can. Volume goal for this month: 600 games. I will be more satisfied if I can make it 1000 games. Profit terms, to be my best month I must make more than $100 but $200 will be awesome! This is the positive outcome that I want to achieve, things could turn another way around and I could end the month with less profit and games played, but I hope not. By the way if i failed to make good results on the 18 Man (Turbo blinds), will return to the 9 Man SNG (regular blinds).
Congratulations to Azntracker, he is the new Supernova Elite 2011 and fisrt one to make in the shortest time possible.
Good luck to everyone at the tables!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Month Feedback
Sunday, January 30, 2011
January Recap
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Mid Month Feedback
Anyway, it's the 1st time that I put this kind of volume. I am positive in terms of profit but still did not reach the 3 digits profit for the month, so I am disappointed in terms of my ROI (about 3%).
So, this has been a volume month but not so profitable has I would like to be.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Career Graph (SNG Only) and more...
2009 was my first year on Poker, more exactly the No Limit Texas Holdem. Was a year to learn the game, to have fun, make some good friends (Paulo Mesquita from Braga, if you are reading this, you are one of them!). I got my first poker book on August and started to post hands on Forums.
I started to take Poker more seriously on 2010, starting to grind 9 Man SNG (regular blinds), and I managed to get positive by grinding these type of game. I reeded more new books on 2010, watch some videos and have some long remote sessions with a friend from England that unfortunately I lost his contact a few months ago, (yes Bruce, it's you, you are a great SNG player, give some news!).
2010 was a year to try different SNG formats, and you can see that the graph was a roller coaster due to that but I manage to be positive and learn fundamentals things during the process. I also decided to built my SNG career path on the only and only Pokerstars.
2011 it's going to be different, I am more mature but still always leaning and improving the game. 2011 it's going to be a volume and dedication year, I am going to grind one type of SNG and play some MTT's.
I will post updates very soon, but just to let you know that I already played 89 games this year on 9 players SNG.
Stay tuned.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
2010 Review and 2011 Plan
Poker is such an evolving game that we are always learning new concepts, studying others concepts that are more familiar and taking each and every new concept one by one.
For example, last year I learn the basic rules of No Limit Holdem. I also learn how to play in position, one very important and misunderstood concept by the way. But you know what, even this year I must reinforce to myself the importance of position when reviewing my sessions.
I am suspecting that next year I will study some concepts like ICM and bubble factors. Yes, I read the basic theory behind but that is not enough to win consistently at the poker tables, reading is one thing, studying, analysing and applying are very different things.
One of the things that I learn this year is about volume and skill.
Volume and Skill are co-related
One very important thing I learn is that volume and skill are co-related. Beginners and recreational players play much less volume than more dedicated or professional players. Skill is present, it may not be seen at first glance, but is there. The only way to bring the skill out of the game is to put volume. Luck is also present on the game, on the short run you can lose to a bad beat, a cooler but those things have a minor probability to happen, (ironically they happen much more times when you play more hands, but it is compensated by the other times when you make good decisions). I played in a year what some Pro’s play in a month or less, so you can see how volume is important.
Yesterday I had one of my best sessions at 9 Man SNG grind and was the session that I played more tables: 16 tables at the same time! I made almost $60 in profit games plus $50 on VIP stellar rewards and it was more than $100 in profit for a single day. I am much better at handling more than 10 tables at the same time. I started playing 2/3 tables at the same time on January of 2010, increasing the number of tables slowly. There was a time when I was comfortable with 4 tables in title format. I increased to 6 tables in cascade format and on the last 3 months I made the switch to 8 tables ending at 10 tables on average during the last days.
Multitabling 16 tables at the same time is though, specially when you are deep in the SNG. For example when you are approaching the bubble it becomes a very mathematical game. You have to pay attention to you stack and other players stack, your position, bubble factors become important and ICM is always present and finally, the strength of the cards that you hold. When you are ITM, 3 players playing or heads-up is very though but also very exciting!
2011 Milestones
This year I will do my best to stay consistent in one SNG format and put much more volume. I will also play more MTT's online. I am not going to put here some profit numbers, just say that I will put volume on the 9 Man SNG (regular blinds). I will start to grind the $3.40 buy in (like I have been grinding) and mixing with the $5.50 buy in. I wish to end the 1st Semester grinding the $11 buy in and already have some very good months with more than 500 games per month.
I will keep you guys in touch, by the way, if I want to share some quick update I will post on Twitter on: