Decidi escrever este post em Português para vos contar como começou a minha aventura no poker, como estou actualmente e como encaro a médio/longo prazo.
Relembro que jogo em part-time, à noite e que durante o dia tenho um trabalho comum como técnico/programador informático.
Fazer €€€
Sempre quis ganhar mais €€€ para além do trabalho comum das 9h às 18h. No fim de 2008, inicio de 2009 dedicava-me uma parte do meu tempo nas apostas desportivas mas nunca tirei grande proveito porque nunca estudei a sério o tema.
No site onde eu fazia as apostas desportivas olhava sempre para aquele banner do Poker que me chamava a atenção, até que um dia cliquei no banner e a minha vida não voltou mais ser a mesma desde essa altura!
Brincadeira nos micro Cash Games
Em pouco mais de 15 minutos li as regras básicas do poker, a importância de ser o ultimo a jogar, as blinds e coloquei 10 € na sala e sentei-me numa mesa a dinheiro, na altura as blinds eram de 0,02€/0,04€. Em alguns minutos gastei os 10 €.
Entretanto decidi colocar mais 10 € e no mês seguinte coloquei na Pokerstars $10 e penso que noutra sala da concorrência também fiz. Assim, de Abril a praticamente Agosto joguei essencialmente micro stakes cash games e fui aumentando o volume de SNG's. Tive alguns up's e down's mas nunca estudei a sério os cash games mas jogava tight e tirava partido da minha posição da mesa. Até que veio Agosto e Setembro, os meses da reviravolta...
Inicio do estudo, mudança de planos
Depois de jogar bastante no mês de Agosto (por sinal o mês em que faço anos), fiz Silverstar (na altura era preciso 1500 FPP's). Tomei uma decisão importante na minha carreira de jogador de poker: grindar (jogar com dedicação) os SNG's de 9 pessoas e tornar-me um jogador vencedor.
Adquiri os meus 1ºs livros pela Internet, estudei e tive um bom resultado num MTT em Novembro que me deu mais confiança. Mas continuava a perder dinheiro nos SNG's de 9 apesar de jogar os limites mais baixos da sala para manter uma boa gestão de banca. Até que veio 2010 e o tempo de jogador perdedor chegou ao fim...
Ano novo, vida nova
Em Janeiro de 2010 consegui tornar o meu Sharkscope positivo e finalmente estava a vencer os SNG's de 1€ na Pokerstars, desde ai que tenho um ROI positivo até aos $3 e alguns resultados positivos nos de $5.
Este ano tive bons resultados em 2 MTT's da Pokerstars (Sunday 1/4 Million e SCOOP), para além de um 1º lugar num MTT da Unibet patrocinado pela comunidade portuguesa de poker.
Estudar e aprender a grindar Turbo's
O meu actual desafio é saber jogar SNG's de 9 no formato Turbo (as blinds aumentam de 5 em 5 minutos). Tenho um ou outro jogador como referência neste formato e que são exemplos para mim neste formato de jogo, um deles já facturou só este ano mais de $20k a grindar este tipo de SNG's.
Apesar de ter praticamente mais de 90 buy-ins para jogar os de $6,50 SNG, sou muito conservador e gosto de fazer muiltitabling (jogar várias mesas ao mesmo tempo), por isso decidi grindar os de 1€, e também porque estou a aprender a jogar este novo formato que na realidade os "adjustments" não são significativos em comparação com os SNG's de formato regular (blinds aumentam de 10 em 10 minutos).
Os meus preferidos
Os meus tipo de jogos preferidos são os SNG's de 9 e 6 em formato turbo e atenção que nunca estudei os de 6 em formato turbo e estou "down" nestes.
A seguir venham os grandes torneios e os Heads Up, que também gosto muito. Houve uma noite este mês que fiz 1 directa a jogar mano a mano de 1€ e acabei a sessão positivo.
Médio / Longo Prazo
No poker um jogador vencedor nunca pensa a curto prazo mas sim a médio e longo prazo. Os meus objectivos são bem claros e se pretendo evoluir a minha banca em termos monetários para a casa dos 4 e 5 dígitos a médio prazo, tenho que me tornar um melhor jogador e aproveitar ao máximo o pouco tempo que tenho disponível neste momento para o NL Texas Holdem.
A longo prazo pretendo ser um jogador Pro.
O meu investimento no mês que vem vai ser na minha educação como jogador de poker e vou ver vários vídeos de profissionais a jogarem o meu formato favorito de jogo.
Por agora é tudo espero que tenham gostado, os próximos posts serão em inglês mas poderei voltar a escrever mais alguns em português.
I am all-in!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Week Feedback
I played 45 games of 9 Man SNG since Monday and a total of 120 games this month. It is the first time that I played so much 9 Man SNG. All of them of $3.40 and some $5.50 buy in and I have some ups and downs on the games.
My total ROI on these 120 games is a positive 13,8%, making ITM about 42,5% of the time.
I am facing right now a down-swing of 7 straight buy-ins. Anyway I will keep grinding, this is not the 1st time that this happens. I should continue to make the right decisions, and play optimal to get over this down-swing.
Some downs games are more like pushing with AK against a medium pair from opponent and see that no ace or king comes on the board. Then when is my turn to push a medium pair because I am short, I found out that opponent calls with AK and he hits is Ace or King on the board.
Other are something like pushing AA against KK and see opponent making king trips on the river. Sometimes I push QQ or KK and opponent makes his straight on the river...amazing, but this is NL Texas Holdem, and these things happens once and while and it also happens to me these good things.
On the good games I push all my strong hands and I connect very well with the board. On other good games I limp with a medium pair and make my set and someone goes broke with his AK when I have the set and he has his Ace on the board.
I remember a game where I made a straight flush against a Full house from opponent, of course he got broke, if I were on his place I would made the same.
I will continue to grind the $3.40 9 Man games and mix with some HU and MTT's and occasionally play some $5.50 9 man games.
I played 3 MTT's since yesterday and cashed in 2 of them, one of those ITM MTT's belongs to the Low Stakes MTT's, it was a $ 5.50 buy in.
The challenge to make $150 until the end of the month is still on progress, I need to make more $46.07 to end this "mini challenge" positive.
My total ROI on these 120 games is a positive 13,8%, making ITM about 42,5% of the time.
I am facing right now a down-swing of 7 straight buy-ins. Anyway I will keep grinding, this is not the 1st time that this happens. I should continue to make the right decisions, and play optimal to get over this down-swing.
Some downs games are more like pushing with AK against a medium pair from opponent and see that no ace or king comes on the board. Then when is my turn to push a medium pair because I am short, I found out that opponent calls with AK and he hits is Ace or King on the board.
Other are something like pushing AA against KK and see opponent making king trips on the river. Sometimes I push QQ or KK and opponent makes his straight on the river...amazing, but this is NL Texas Holdem, and these things happens once and while and it also happens to me these good things.
On the good games I push all my strong hands and I connect very well with the board. On other good games I limp with a medium pair and make my set and someone goes broke with his AK when I have the set and he has his Ace on the board.
I remember a game where I made a straight flush against a Full house from opponent, of course he got broke, if I were on his place I would made the same.
I will continue to grind the $3.40 9 Man games and mix with some HU and MTT's and occasionally play some $5.50 9 man games.
I played 3 MTT's since yesterday and cashed in 2 of them, one of those ITM MTT's belongs to the Low Stakes MTT's, it was a $ 5.50 buy in.
The challenge to make $150 until the end of the month is still on progress, I need to make more $46.07 to end this "mini challenge" positive.
Friday, June 04, 2010
Multitabling the $3.40
I finally made my first multi-tabling on the $3.40 SNG 9 Man.
I played a session with 4 tables at the same time and I made ITM on 3 of them, I won 1st place in one. I am feeling more confident on the $3.40 buy in level, I am over rolled for them and I am trying to play my best A-Game possible in each and every single SNG.
I played a session yesterday night until 2 AM, today I played 3 sessions with an average time of 2,5h each session. In every session I played with 3 tables at the same time and on the last session I played 4 tables at the same time. I am up in terms of $$$ but still not much to be a glory day. Anyway, today grinding is not over, I will come up late at night again to attack the tables.
For those who don't know, I am on holidays until 20th of June, but I will not play any game on the week 14th to 17th June because I will be on Algarve (a Portuguese location of great beaches).
I am occasional playing the hyper-turbo satellites (buy in of 84 FPP), and I am getting t$ 3.30 each time I make 1st or 2n place and I use that tournament dollars to buy in for some of my SNG. I think I am up in these hyper-turbos.
I played a session with 4 tables at the same time and I made ITM on 3 of them, I won 1st place in one. I am feeling more confident on the $3.40 buy in level, I am over rolled for them and I am trying to play my best A-Game possible in each and every single SNG.
I played a session yesterday night until 2 AM, today I played 3 sessions with an average time of 2,5h each session. In every session I played with 3 tables at the same time and on the last session I played 4 tables at the same time. I am up in terms of $$$ but still not much to be a glory day. Anyway, today grinding is not over, I will come up late at night again to attack the tables.
For those who don't know, I am on holidays until 20th of June, but I will not play any game on the week 14th to 17th June because I will be on Algarve (a Portuguese location of great beaches).
I am occasional playing the hyper-turbo satellites (buy in of 84 FPP), and I am getting t$ 3.30 each time I make 1st or 2n place and I use that tournament dollars to buy in for some of my SNG. I think I am up in these hyper-turbos.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
May Feedback, June Goals
Ended a grinding session right now, the last SNG I made ITM in 3rd place (4 places paid), so sick the last hand, I had 2 pairs on the flop but opponent makes a set on the Turn!
Anyway, let's talk about May. I am very happy to see that I finally discovered the type of game I will play during the next months. It will be 18 man SNG (non turbo). Currently I am playing the $1.20 buy in but I am almost making the change to the $3.40, I played a few and some of them I paid with t$ (tournament dollars that I won on a satellite game).
Here are some numbers:
Type of game: 18 Man SNG
Total games played: 52 games
Buy in: $1.20 (46 games played) and $3.40 (6 games played)
ROI: 88.1%
ITM: 50%
I am making a slow transition to the $3.40 SNG's, probably will be my grind next month.
I also watch a SNG video this month, a 9 man turbo SNG. I am going to watch a video about ICM next month.
Now another numbers about big tournaments:
Type of game: MTT's (more than 1000 players)
Total games played: 5 games
ROI: 3158.4%
ITM: 40%
Just played a few MTT's but cashed on 2 of them, in one of them was my SCOOP MTT.
I will play more MTT's next month.
As SNG concern, I will play more than 100 games of 18 man SNG's next month and try to go for Silverstar. I am also focusing on the goal to make more $150 by the end of June, right now I already made $55.6.
My main challenge for June is to stabilize my grind on the $3.40.
Anyway, let's talk about May. I am very happy to see that I finally discovered the type of game I will play during the next months. It will be 18 man SNG (non turbo). Currently I am playing the $1.20 buy in but I am almost making the change to the $3.40, I played a few and some of them I paid with t$ (tournament dollars that I won on a satellite game).
Here are some numbers:
Type of game: 18 Man SNG
Total games played: 52 games
Buy in: $1.20 (46 games played) and $3.40 (6 games played)
ROI: 88.1%
ITM: 50%
I am making a slow transition to the $3.40 SNG's, probably will be my grind next month.
I also watch a SNG video this month, a 9 man turbo SNG. I am going to watch a video about ICM next month.
Now another numbers about big tournaments:
Type of game: MTT's (more than 1000 players)
Total games played: 5 games
ROI: 3158.4%
ITM: 40%
Just played a few MTT's but cashed on 2 of them, in one of them was my SCOOP MTT.
I will play more MTT's next month.
As SNG concern, I will play more than 100 games of 18 man SNG's next month and try to go for Silverstar. I am also focusing on the goal to make more $150 by the end of June, right now I already made $55.6.
My main challenge for June is to stabilize my grind on the $3.40.
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